07 December 2009

Nightshift workers

I thought the new peanut feeder was being well used. But just now I found up to three Woodmice feeding on it. It seems they can jump from the tree to the suspended feeder and don't mind dropping four feet to the ground. Still, at least we ain't got squirrels.



  1. Brilliant! First major discovery - behaviour of Bardsey mice in winter. Now do a bit of research - catch and mark a few with colour where it is shows up well and see how far they travel; who are the best jumpers (vary the feeder heights, etc.)


  2. Not so easy to catch now, as they stopped coming in to Cristin since we added thresholds to the two back doors. Though was one caught in the rail trap just now; it has a very sensitive pressure plate. I believe in the past that marked animals have returned from the Narrows. Perhaps we should do an Lincoln Index to calculate the population.
